The inaugural Locks Heath Lions Tournament returns on the 21st June 2014 at Brookfield school! Please mark the date in your diary.
The tournament will start at 9am with team registration with the first matches due to kick off at 9.30am with finals taking place at about 12.45pm.
The format will be:
- 5, 6 or 7 a-side depending on numbers in each league
- Rolling subs
- 6 minutes each way
- 1 minute turn round
- 2 minutes between matches
- Matches start every 15 minutes
- League format
i. 3 points for a win
ii. 1 point for a draw
iii. 0 points for a loss
- Leagues will consist of Under 6,7 / under 8,9 / under 10,11 / under 12,13 / under 14,15,16
Parents are encouraged to run a team so this is your chance to become a Manager for a day and hopefully lead them to victory!
More details on the tournament will follow.